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In Progress

Work in Progress

In addition to the compled galleries, this page talks about some other ideas and started work  that I hope to finish in the future.

  • The Multiplicities of the Helix - The helix is a facinatingly simple, yet complex structure. I have begun to explore the multiple forms of the helix when viewed from different angles, and draw connections to maths, geometry and biology (the double helix).
  • Comparing and Inverting Egocentric and Exocentric Perspectives and Panoramas - We view the world from an egocentric point of view (from within looking out), but mirrors and cameras often look at the world from an exocentric point of view (from outside, looking in). I am starting to look at both ego- and exo-centric panoramas and I present a couple of examples where you can even invert one point of view to approximate the other, though you do have to expect a bit of a sore head...


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